Saturday, October 18, 2008

DUDE, Warrant RULES!

Yo, what's up fellow "House of Hair"-ites? The Metal Militia. The dudes, who can air guitar like nobody's business while drinkin' 2 PBR's at once. I was looking for a cool and cutting edge blog to post my finished masterpiece.... Like totally rad right? Totally badass rad. I mean, they even got the dimensions of Randy Roads' bicep correct. Like DUDE!

Oh, by the way, my name is Tommi "Iommi" Bunson. Dig the nickname backstage mamas? Well, I'm thoroughly single since I have not exited my apartment for the past 6 months hiding this back....OF FURY! Please get ahold of me through the Ramshackle fellas if ya can. Our date will be so exhilarating. I promise to go through each band and explain to you exactly WHY they deserve to be in the "House of Hair". Go ahead and debate me. My ex Shirley did and boy did she get an earful! I will explain my favorite albums and killer cuts.

And, to end the night right, we can chill in my apartment and I will pull out my axe and shred for you. I wrote a few tunes in my head while on the tattoo parlor table. Freakin' awesome babes!!

Love always,

Tommi "Iommi" Bunson

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